
Program to convert infix expression to postfix expression

Question1) Write a program to extract given number of characters from the right of the string.

Question 2) Write a program to extract given number of characters, from the desired location from the string.

Question 3) Write a program that will print out all the rotations of a string. For example the rotations of the word “abc” areabcbcacab

Question 4) Write a program that replaces two or more consecutive blanks in a string by a single blank.

Question 5) Write a program to input 10 names in a 2D array of characters and replace the 1st name with 5th name and display the resultant array.

Question 6) Write a program to input two strings consists of maximum 80 characters. Examine both the strings and remove all the common characters from both the strings. Display the resultant string.

Question 7) Write a program to test whether a string of opening and closing parentheses is well formed or not.

Question 8) Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression given by the user.

Question 9) Write a program to evaluate a prefix expression given by the user.

Question 10) Write a program to convert a given infix expression to prefix and postfix expression.

Question 11) Write a program to convert a postfix expression to the prefix expression and vice versa.

Question 12) Write a program to convert a postfix expression to infix expression.

Question 13) WAP to input an arithmetic expression comprising of numeric constants and operators and evaluate the expression at the input.

Question 14) Write a function which has two strings x and y as arguments. The function finds out the first symbol of x which does not occur in y.

Question 15) Write a program to check that any one of given n strings occur in a string s.

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C/C++ Programming: Program to convert infix expression to postfix expression
Reference No:- TGS04894

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