
Program to concatenate two strings

1) Write down the kinds of operators available in C++? Describe them in detail.

2) What is meant by main function? Write down a simple C++ program by using main function.

3) What is meant by an array? Describe with suitable example.

4) Write down a C++ program by using logical operators.

5) Write a detailed note on:

(a) Call by value

(b) Call by reference.

6) What is meant by enumeration? Describe with suiatble example.

7) Write down a C++ program for concatenation of two strings.

8) Describe the single inheritance with suitable example.

9) Write down a C++ program for complex number addition by using friend function operator overloading.

10) Describe the graphic mode graphics function with suiatble example.

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C/C++ Programming: Program to concatenate two strings
Reference No:- TGS013762

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