
program the following exercises using java and

program the following exercises using JAVA and JENA API:
SPARQL endpoint to be queried: https://services.data.gov.uk/education/sparql
What are the school’s names that belong to the “local authority district” 00AA?
PREFIX sch-ont: <https://education.data.gov.uk/def/school/>
?name WHERE {
?school a sch-ont:School.
?school sch-ont:establishmentName ?name.
?school sch-ont:districtAdministrative <https://statistics.data.gov.uk/id/local-authority-district/00AA>.

previous code is in SPARQL.Make a JAVA application that displays the answer in the console.
Eclipse SDK Version: 4.2.0

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Application Programming: program the following exercises using java and
Reference No:- TGS0161867

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