Program that treats victims of violence admitted

Assignment task:

Imagine you are an agency director of a program that treats victims of violence admitted to the local hospital. Make a proposal to a local philanthropic funding agency, describing the strategy for your program to decrease incidence of hospital admissions due to violence and ways in which their financial commitment to your program will result in a return on investment for the community. You can add substance to the scenario by providing additional details about the program's goals and your plan to achieve them. Support your plan with evidence from course materials or other professional sources, First, assume the role of a critic on the philanthropic agency's review board who opposes your peer's proposal. Be brief but creative in your refusal to fund the violence project. Remember to cite your sources as applicable.

Next, take on the role of a review board member who supports the program and help your colleague address the critic's objections by providing additional evidence in support of the proposal, or add suggestions to provide a stronger proposal to the board. Remember to cite any sources you use. With references.

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Reference No:- TGS03420111

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