
Program should still ask the user to input a grade integer

Question: Program should still ask the user to input a grade integer from 1-100 and then output the letter grade. 

Scale:  Greater than 90 is an "A"; Greater than 80 to 90 is a "B", Greater than 70 to 80 is a "C", Greater than 60 to 70 is a "D", and 60 or less is an "F"

Program should have:

Part 1: A while loop so one does not have to re-start the program with every new grade

Part 2: Use any score less than 0 (zero) as the sentinel to stop the while loop.

Part 3: You need to use If and else statements, not just If statements.

Part 4: Input grade and letter grade should be output to screen with each number grade input.

Part 5: Finally, your application will calculate and output the average grade for students input.

Calculate and output the average grade for students input - Program should still ask the user to input a grade integer from 1-100 and then output the letter grade.

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C/C++ Programming: Program should still ask the user to input a grade integer
Reference No:- TGS0953302

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