Program should read in a file called "sales.txt". The contents of the text file are below.
Read in all data from the file. (refer to pages 102-103)
- Sore units in integers and store sales in doubles.
- The first integer is the first unit sales. The first double is the first $ of all the sales combined.
- This continues through all five units.
Utilize a constant called taxRate to hold the tax rate of 8.5%.
Output the following items per the sample below:
- Total Unit Sales (the sum of all units)
- Total Sales (the sum of all sales)
- Total Tax (rounded) (sales times taxRate)
- Type cast to int * 100, then double / 100.
- Total Sale (not rounded) (sales plus tax)
- Output results in table format using the escape character for a tab as shown in the sample.