
Program in c to use while loop to input real numbers

I.a. Consider the program shown below:

i. /* Program to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit temperatures. (represented as floating point)*/
ii. #include
iii. void main
iv. {
v. int tempc, tempf;
vi. printf(“\n Enter temperature in centigrade:”);
vii. scanf(“%f”, tempc );
viii. tempf = (5.0/9.0)*(f-32.0)
ix. printf(“\n Temperature in Fahrenheit is %.f ”, TEMPF);
x. }

(i) Describe the meaning of the lines i, ii, v and ix.

(ii) This program have some syntax errors. Recognize them and therefore provide the right version of a program.

b. Write a program in C which makes use of while loop to allow a user to input real numbers and compute and output the sum of these numbers. The loop ends when the negative number is entered.

c. Write a program in C to compute the factorial of the integer. You must use a recursive function.

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C/C++ Programming: Program in c to use while loop to input real numbers
Reference No:- TGS09254

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