
program for size error we have to write an


 We have to write an easy program to elaborate the size error option.

Identification division.

Program- id. sizeerr.

Environment division.

Data division.

Working-storage section.

77  a     pic    s9(3) value 0.

77  b      pic    s9(3) value 0.

7    c      pic    s9(3) value 0.

77  e-c   pic   +z(3).

Procedure division.


Display(1 1) erase.

Display(3 5) "Enter first number :".

Accept a.

Display(5 5) "Enter second number :".

  Accept b.

            Sum a b to c on size error 

                      display (10 5) "Size error on c ---Please increase size"

                       go to end-para.

       Move c to e-c.

          Display(15 5) "Sum = " e-c.


  Stop run.

Description:   This program gets 2 inputs from the user.

                      It adds them by using the ADD verb. 

                      The unedited result is accessible in c.

                      We move c to e-c, where the edit characters are accessible.

                      Keep in mind that the variable e-c makes use of the + edit character.

                       The e-c will always be exhibited with result. 

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COBOL Programming: program for size error we have to write an
Reference No:- TGS0174441

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