
Program for exception handling

Q1. Write down a C++ program to read the square matrix and display its transpose. Use pointers to access the elements of matrix.

Q2. Under what conditions the default copy constructor and the default assignment doesn’t work.

Q3. Describe how text input and output is functioned in C++.

Q4. What do you mean by virtual functions? What are the pure virtual functions? Describe with illustrations.

Q5. Declare the base class Base. Declare and define the virtual function show(). Declare and define the function display(). Construct the derived class from the base class. Declare and define the functions display() and show(). Make the base class object and pointer variable. Call the functions display() and show() by using the base class object and pointer. Make the derived class object and call the functions display() and show() by using the derived class object and pointer. Display all appropriate messages.

Q6. Define a function template for determining the minimum value contained in the array.

Write main() function to determine the minimum value of integer array and minimum value of the floating point numbers in an array.

Q7. Describe how exceptional handling is done in the C++. Write down a C++ program for exception handling of divide by zero.

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C/C++ Programming: Program for exception handling
Reference No:- TGS010582

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