program for add correspondingwe have to write a


We have to write a simple program to demonstrate Add Corresponding.

  identification division.

  program- id.

  environment division.

  data division.

  working-storage section.

  01  rec-1.

    02   sno   pic  9(2) value 11.

    02   mark1 pic 9(2) value 1.     

  01  rec-2.

    05   sno   pic  9(2)  value 10.

    05   mark2 pic 9(2) value 2.

  procedure division.


    display(1 1) erase.  

    display(3 5) mark1 of rec-1.

    add corr rec-1 to rec-2.

    display(5 5) mark2 of rec-2.

display (10 5) sno of rec-2.

stop run.

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COBOL Programming: program for add correspondingwe have to write a
Reference No:- TGS0174677

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