
program description in the above program

Program Description

In the above  program  any two  numbers can be stored in register A and B ( by  replacing XX  and YY).

Contents  of B are  compared with A. If  B CY = 0  (reset) and if Z < B  CY= 1 (set)

JNC SKIP  instruction  will check  CY flag  if CY  is not  it will jump to location 2009H otherwise  execution will come  to next location 2008H.

I e MOV A, B  instruction  will be executed  only when CY is set which is  the case when B  is greater  than A this instruction will copy  the contents of  B into A when B   is  greater.

OUT 01 instruction always  send the contents  of A to the specified  output  port. In the above  program   A will  always  hold the  greater number before  coming  to this  statement. Hence  greater number will be  displayed  at port  address 01H.

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Electrical Engineering: program description in the above program
Reference No:- TGS0262510

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