
Program activities and their theoretical bases


Program Activities and Their Theoretical Bases

In this Application you are asked to describeand analyze the intervention strategies-that is, the activities-in your selected program, and identify the ways in which they are grounded in theory. Refer to your Learning Resources this week, particularly the section on designing appropriate interventions, to help you assess how appropriately these activities have been designed.

Develop a list of interview questions so that you can complete the Application Assignment described below. After completing your interview with your program contact person, complete a 2- to 3-page paper, in which you address the following:

• Summarize briefly the changes that the program is intended to bring about (for example, increased physical activity in overweight Latino children).

• Describe at least two key activities of the program. For each activity:

• Relate the activity to the intervention strategy listed Chapter of the McKenzie textbook. (For example, is this a health communication strategy?)

• Describe any evidence that was used in developing activities.

• Explain whether you think the activity is appropriate for the priority population.

• Describe the theoretical bases that ground these activities and whether these are appropriate. In other words, what theories can you identify that led to (or would justify) these particular activities?If no theory was used, what theory or theories do you think would have been helpful? Explain your reasons.

• In light of this analysis, summarize whether you think each of the activities is appropriately designed and will bring about the intended outcomes. ( APA FORMAT)

• The book is:

• Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs. six edition.

• by James F. Mckenzie, Brad L. Neiger, Rosemary Thackeray.

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