
Prognosis for relationship security and satisfaction

Question 1: Describe the methods in which deceit in self-presentation might be detected in the online environment.

Question 2: Give a specific illustration of a communal and an exchange relationship and describe how giving and receiving merits are different and similar in the two kinds of relationships.

Question 3: Choose and in brief explain two of the love styles from Lee's Colors of Love theory. Describe a character from film or fiction which represents each of the styles, with specific evidence of behavior to support your conclusions.

Question 4: Choose one of the primary attachment styles and describe the prognosis for relationship security and satisfaction if a person selects a mate with a similar style or a different style: for instance, a person with an anxious attachment style choosing a similarly anxious person versus selecting one with an avoidant style.

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Other Subject: Prognosis for relationship security and satisfaction
Reference No:- TGS015606

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