


You're the proud owner of Wiley Brothers Traveling Circus. It was left to you in your dear Uncle Fred's will. One Ferris wheel, one largebig top tent, assorted animals, 27 circus people, and vans and trucks required for transportation. It's been financially holding its own but after a year you've decided to expand, upgrade your equipment, and appoint a headline trapeze artist from France. You need influx of cash to make this happen. You've two large private investors and a Florida theme park that would like to invest but desires you to winter every year at their landmark park.


Using your own numbers the sheet should include some of the following; profits, income, proceeds, earnings, wages, box office; and expenses, overheads, fees, operating expenses, and fixed costs, etc.

Create an interactive spreadsheet that allows the viewer to change some of the critical numbers to realize the possible risks involved with different variables. As you complete this assignment, be sure to Ask Risk Manager questions. For example how would an increase/decrease in ticket prices affect the financial picture? Does the cost increase with more traveling? How long might the circus stay in one city before the cost of feed, salaries, etc. did not keep up with the box office?

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Business Management: Profits-income-proceeds-earnings-wages
Reference No:- TGS0869491

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