
Profit and wealth maximization decision criterion

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Describe the functions of a Finance Manager

Question 2) Explain the Profit and Wealth Maximization Decision Criterion.

Question 3) Explain the motives and importance of holding cash.

Question 4) Explain the financing and control of Working capital.

Question 5) Describe principal propositions and mechanism of Modigliani and Miller (MM) Model.

Question 6) Describe the methods of computation of Cost of Capital

Question 7) Describe the meaning, importance and limitations of Cost Volume Profit Analysis.

Question 8) Describe the calculation of EPS. Discuss EBIT-EPS chart and limitations of EBIT and EPS analysis.

Question 9) Differentiate between operating leverage and financial leverage. Explain their respective usefulness.

Question 10) Explain Equity shares. Describe Right issue of Equity Shares.

Question 11) Describe the sources of long range finance of a Firm.

Question 12) Discuss the concept of Present Value.

Question 13) Critically examine the various methods of evaluation of Capital Budgeting Proposals.

Question 14) Describe Probablity Approach of Risk evaluation.

Question 15) Describe the Models of dividend in practice.

Question 16) Describe Gordon’s Dividend Capitalization Model with the help of an example.

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Financial Management: Profit and wealth maximization decision criterion
Reference No:- TGS06129

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