
Professors overview of the final exam there are no readings

Professor's Overview of the Final Exam There are no readings this week. Your sole task is to answer the three questions that comprise the final exam for this course. Your answers to each of the three questions should be approximately 2-4 pages long, if it were typed double spaced with normal margins. You will turn in your exam through Turnitin.com.  Here are the three questions. 1) This class has focused on low-wage workers (Ehrenreich's co-workers), African-American workers (Mollie, Dorothy), workers in maquilas (Balbina), immigrant workers and farm workers (Coalition of Iimmokalee Workers), workers in visa programs (welders from India), and coerced or slave workers (many examples in the book Nobodies). A theme that seems to connect all these different types of workers is unequal power when an employer and workers like this meet in the job market. Consider different measures that might equalize the power relationship somewhat, and whether they would overall be desirable or undesirable. Give good reasons for your positive or negative position, whichever it is on the measures you are evaluating. 2) In the conclusion to his book Nobodies, John Bowe lays out opposing perspectives on labor in a global marketplace. He argues with a free-market libertarian named Charlie. Charlie believes that virtually everyone is benefiting from our current globalization controlled by business interests: "A rising tide lifts all boats." Bowe thinks Americans are ignorant of what actually happens in much of the world, and that many are being abused, with widespread negative consequences. Who is more right? Argue for whatever side you take, and especially be sure to deal with counter-evidence to your perspective. For example, if you side with Charlie, how do you deal with growing inequality in the world? Or, if you side with Bowe, how do you deal with the lifting of many from incomes from under $1/day to more than $1/day? Whatever your position, make as persuasive a case for it as you can. 3) Apply Anthony Appiah's ethical theory of Cosmopolitanism (available in the syllabus to refer to) and his argument in favor of "contamination" to Mollie's job and its ultimate destination with Balbina Duque in Mexico, and do the same for Saipan. How would he look at these situations, in light of his theory? Do you agree or disagree with him? Why or why not? 

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Microeconomics: Professors overview of the final exam there are no readings
Reference No:- TGS01082125

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