
Professional returning home from your plant

Project description:

Read the scenario below and respond in the form of an essay, which should consist of several paragraphs and appropriate priority or task lists. Responses should be supported fully and completely. A well-thought-out response double spaced. Any published material used to support a response should be cited per the APA style guidelines with in text citations. The only required source material are the chapters of my book which are attached or have a link. Chap 1, Chap 8, & Chap 9.

Case Study:

The Scenario:

You are an EH&S professional returning home from your plant on a summer Friday afternoon at about 4 p.m. You have just picked up some materials from a nearby building supply store for a weekend backyard project (cement, sand, wood, concrete blocks, lumber, etc.). You are about one mile outside of the main population zone of your small town, and you come upon an accident scene in which a placarded tanker truck is turned on its side in a ditch about 20-25 feet off the two-lane road. There is no sign of fire and no sign of the driver from your vantage point inside your truck. The only sign you can see from your vantage point is a Dangerous When Wet placard with a Class 8 label code and a UN 1836 on an orange panel. What might this chemical be? You think you can make out an NFPA diamond with a 0 at 12 o’clock; a 2 at 3 o’clock; a 4 at 9 o’clock; and a slashed W at 6 o’clock. You take out the small binoculars from your truck and scan the scene. There seems to be a thin, small volume of dripping liquid (red to yellow color) coming from a valve on the tanker.

Links to source material are below and chapter 1 will be attached. https://www.sendspace.com/file/u73fgb


Added on 19.02.2015 12:48

https://www.sendspace.com/file/9jomrv is the link to Chap 1. You should have 3 chapters as reference.

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Reference No:- TGS01430816

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