
Professional educator

Case Study:

For this assignment, review the following seven questions, and answer them succinctly in an individual paragraph for each one. The question, in the form of an APA level heading, should immediately precede each paragraph. Be sure to reflect on these questions from the perspective of yourself as a professional educator.

Question 1. Why did you choose to be an educator?

Question 2. What do you believe in? Why?

Question 3. What brings you discontent? Why?

Question 4. What leads to celebration? Why?

Question 5. What are you passionate about? Why?

Question 6. What keeps you awake at night? Why?

Question 7. What do you want to accomplish within five years? Ten years? Why?

The answers to these questions begin to clarify and highlight what you value. Through stakeholders' identifying an organization's values and then aligning those with the personal/professional values of the leader, the leader's next logical step is placing them into action. How can discovering, articulating, and modeling these fundamental beliefs guide your decisions and actions in a school setting? Describe how the leader should set an example for others to follow. Illuminate the concept that leaders set the example by aligning their own actions with the shared values.

Length: 5-6 pages, not including title page or references.

References: A minimum of four scholarly sources

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA 6th Edition standards.

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Business Management: Professional educator
Reference No:- TGS01783786

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