
Professional development plan

Assume you are the manager of your learning team and need to develop a plan that will address the characteristics of your group and yourself as the leader. This plan can be used to determine the needs of the learning team and is a tool for members to assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the resources needed to help them reach their career goals.

Develop a combined DiSC chart of your Learning Team members for use in developing this paper. Based on the individual assessments, what are the characteristics of your team?

Write a professional development plan to address the characteristics of the Learning Team members both individually and as a group and your ability to lead them:

Required Elements:

• You must Formatyour paper consistent with APA guidelines

• You must Evaluate the individuals, including yourself, and the group based on the DiSC assessment

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Other Management: Professional development plan
Reference No:- TGS01756271

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