products and servicesmarketing offers-services

Products and Services

Marketing Offers-Services, Products and Experiences

Companies introduce needs by putting forth a value proposition, a set of benefits that they promise to consumers to satisfy their needs.

a.  The value proposition is satisfied through a marketing offer-some arrangement of services, products, information, or experiences offered to a market to fulfil a need or want.

b.  The  concept  of  manufacture  is  not  limited  to  physical  objects  and  may  include experiences,  places, persons, organizations, information, and ideas.

C.  Be careful of paying attention to the manufacture and not the benefit being satisfied.

d. "Marketing myopia" is caused by losing sight or short sightedness of underlying customer needs by only focusing on existing wants.

e.  Intellectual marketers create brand meaning and brand experiences for consumers.

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Marketing Management: products and servicesmarketing offers-services
Reference No:- TGS0177103

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