
Production planning and control

Question 1: What do you mean by plant layout? What are the objectives which management desires to attain via the proficient plant layout?

Question 2: What are the various types of plant layout? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each kind of layout?

Question 3: What are the factors which are borne in mind while deciding on plant layout?

Question 4: Write brief notes on the given:

a) Techniques of plant layout.
b) Factors influencing construction of plant building.

Question 5: What do you mean by production planning and control? How does it help in the efficient operation of a factory? As well describe importance of production planning and control.

Question 6: Illustrate the objectives of production planning and control? Describe the steps comprised in production control.

Question 7: State the needs of an effective system of production planning and control.

Question 8: Describe the production planning and control under various production systems.

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Other Management: Production planning and control
Reference No:- TGS08506

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