Production cost worksheet using the weighted-average method

Jordana Woolens is a manufacturer of wool cloth. The information for March is as follows:

Beginning work-in-process 10,000 units
Units started 20,000 units
Units completed 25,000 units

Beginning work-in-process direct materials $6,000
Beginning work-in-process conversion $2,600
Direct materials added during month $30,000
Direct manufacturing labor during month $12,000
Factory overhead $5,000

Beginning work-in-process was half converted as to labor and overhead. Direct materials are added at the beginning of the process. All conversion costs are incurred evenly throughout the process. Ending work-in-process was 60 percent complete.


Prepare a production cost worksheet using the weighted-average method. Include any necessary supporting schedules.

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Accounting Basics: Production cost worksheet using the weighted-average method
Reference No:- TGS096904

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