
Product market forces and the effect of regulation on the

In this discussion, you will examine ways in which pay decisions and benefits are affected by labor market and product market forces and the effect of regulation on the ways in which employee pay and benefits are designed and administered.

Begin by describing the impact the labor and product market forces have on pay and benefit decisions. Include in your description the changes you have seen in your own industry when changes occur in each of these markets and its impact on your own wages and benefits.

Additionally, describe the ways in which regulation impacts employee pay and benefits and the way in which they are designed and administered.

For example, consider the impact of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and its impact on part-time and full-time employment, costs associated with insurance premiums to employers and employees, etc..

Finally, what are some communication techniques employers can use to ensure employees realize the value of benefits?

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Operation Management: Product market forces and the effect of regulation on the
Reference No:- TGS02911438

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