Product knowledgenbspan ad for fast response emergency

1. Product knowledge:

a) refers to ammount of information consumer has stored in his or her memory about a particular product class, product form, brand, model, or way to purchase them.

b) is the sum of all marketing communications about a product

c) is a situational influence on consumer behavior

d) refers to the information available from an analysis of how marketing mixx factors are being used

e) refers a consumer's perception of the importance or personal relevance of an item

2. Jerri had just moved her furniture into her new house when she decided her living room sofa looked shabbyin its new location. She liked the sofa's color and style, and she felt she could easily replace it with a similar sofa. She visited the furniture gallery where she had purchased the original one. For Jerri, the purchase of the sofa most likely involved ______ decision making.

a) selective b) limited c) extesive d) routine e) intensive

3. An ad for Fast Response Emergency Dialer that will dial 911 for you in the event of an emergency states, "life-threatening emergency, 73 percent of people misdial 911." In terms of Maslow's hierarchy, this ad was designed to appeal to the consumer's:

a) psychological needs

b) nee for esteem

c)safety needs

d) self-actualization

e) belongingness and love needs

4. The ad for DeBeers diamonds reads, " A quality diamond of a carat or more is so rare that fewer than one percent of women will ever own one." In terms of Maslow's hierarchy, this ad was designed to appeal to the consumer.

a) psychological needs

b) need for esteem

c) safety needs

d) self-actualization

e) belogingness and love needs

5. Which of the following ais an example of business-to-business marketing

a) New Bedfor College buys a professional Snapper lawn mower for its eartern campus

b) The city of Franklin orders eight new traffic signals

c) A retail florist orders sixdozen assorted brass-colored vases to be used in flower arrangements

d) All of the above

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Operation Management: Product knowledgenbspan ad for fast response emergency
Reference No:- TGS02225701

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