
Producer-consumer and decomposer relationships

1. Discuss the producer, consumer and decomposer relationships in this ecosystem after the eruption. List your references (at least three references are required).

2. Discuss any two plant species and any two animal species that are affecting the Everglades. What are the challenges facing the native species and how are they adapting to the changing environment? List your references (at least three references are required).

3. Discuss any two serious problems that are affecting the coral reefs in the world today. Suggest solutions to these concerns. List your references (at least three references are required).

4. Discuss any two plant and any two animal species that are either endangered of threatened in your state. What efforts is your state taking to protect these species from extinction? Are they successful? What extra actions would support these efforts to ensure higher success rates?

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Science: Producer-consumer and decomposer relationships
Reference No:- TGS0524997

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