
Produce a work breakdown structure and a gantt chart to

The main purpose of this assignment is to: Assess the students' knowledge and understanding of Managing a successful business project by producing a report to the chosen topic as specified below with project evidence in the form a project log book with an evidence of the project management plan exhibiting entrepreneurial skills.

The aim of this unit is to offer students an opportunity to demonstrate the skills required for managing and implementing a project. Learners will undertake independent research and investigation for carrying out and executing a business project which meets appropriate business aims and objectives. The topic below will enable students to examine the multi dimensions of CSR within the context of business operations applied to a small-scale project. This will provide the opportunity for learners to contextualise the principles of CSR and explore the merits of CSR in relation to meeting competitive and sustainable organisational objectives.

Introduction to the theme: The Pearson set theme for use with Unit 6: Managing a successful Business Project is "Corporate social responsibility and its importance for sustainability and competitive advantage".

CSR aims to ensure that companies conduct their business in a way that is ethical. This means taking account of their social, economic and environmental impact, and consideration of human rights. It can involve a range of activities such as which is not an end all:

  • Working in partnership with local communities
  • Socially responsible investment
  • Developing relationships with employees and customers
  • Environmental protection and sustainability

Some businesses have as their main purpose the fulfilment of social or environmental goals, as opposed to a business that tries to achieve its financial goals while minimising any negative impact on society on environment. These businesses are called social enterprises.

Topic: "Implementing CSR activities within organisations to meet sustainable objectives". Type of project: Research project which includes research report, evidence of some investigation/fieldwork, feasibility study.


You are the management consultant for a medium to small sized organisation not exceeding 150 employees and an annual business turnover of not exceeding to more than 5 million per annum. This chosen organisation of yours needs implementing CSR activities to meet sustainable objectives. Using the above specified topic, you are supposed to submit a Project report acting as a consultant for the chosen organisation of your choice and not exceeding 3,500 to 4,000 words Approx. The type of project chosen for the selected topic should allow for sufficient degree of research through the existence of adequate background material and allow for the depth and breadth of study suitable for a level 4 qualification. It is thus important to recognise that project work is reliant on gathering information/data that can be analysed. It should include primary and secondary research. Along with the Project report students should also submit evidence for the project findings in the form of a project plan, a completed log book and performance review. The project management plan is designed to define how the project is to be planned, executed and monitored. The Project management plan should give details of the actions required for the integration and coordination of various planning activities to carry out the project. The Project log book is designed to provide evidence of the project development process and ongoing reflection. It should provide evidence that there is a thought process towards the direction of the project in particular, what problems were encountered and steps taken to address them. The performance review should provide evidence of reflection and evaluation of the project management process and individual performance.

Evidence required towards the Project Report that need to be supported along the report for the chosen topic as specified above:

1. Project management Plan (addressed in P 2(assessment criteria) good to say this within the word criteria in the report)

2. Project logbook (Please use the template as specified below)

3. Performance review (Please use the template as specified below)

4. Project Report (approx. 3,500 to 4,000 word report as specified below addressing all the LO and AC)

Task 1 -

Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme.

  • Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario addressing the chosen tile as specified above.
  • Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources for the chosen project.
  • Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and stages for completion with reference to the chosen project.

Task 2 - Conduct small- scale research, information gathering and data collection, generating knowledge to support the project as specified above:

  • Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate or meeting project aims and objectives for the chosen scenario.

Note: For merit and distinction please refer to the Grading descriptor as specified below.

Task 3 -

Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and /or analysis.

  • Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques for the chosen project.
  • Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions for the chosen project.

Note: For merit and distinction please refer to the Grading descriptor as specified below.

Task 4 -

Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable organisational performance for the chosen project.

  • Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning and performance.

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Dissertation: Produce a work breakdown structure and a gantt chart to
Reference No:- TGS02245552

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