
Produce a state diagram to illustrate the expected behavior

Backwoods Regional Library

The Backwoods Regional Library faces an existential crisis. Their date stamper is nearing the end of its operational lifetime and they cannot find replacement parts for it any more. They also wish to digitise the borrowing of books and other materials held by the library with a new barcode scanner to eliminate the card and stamper system they currently operate. They also wish to update their catalogue to a digital book management system to facilitate the online search and reservation of items, and to integrate with the new borrowing system.

In the new system when a member wishes to borrow some books, they approach the self-service borrowing station and swipe their borrowing card. They then scan the barcode of each item they wish to borrow, and the item is added to a borrowing list. When the borrower has finished scanning items, they terminate scanning and the borrowing list is processed. If the borrower prefers not to use the self-service system they can take their books to the front desk and a librarian will swipe their cardand scan their items.

The standard loan period is a fortnight. If a loan is overdue, then fines accrue on the overdue loan daily to a maximum of $30 for each item. The fine per day is $0.50. A borrower is allowed a maximum of 10 items out at any time, and is not allowed to borrow if they have any overdue items, or unpaid overdue fines or charges exceed $30. A borrower can pay any outstanding charge whenever they wish using EFTPOS at the library.

A borrower returns items by placing them in a return chute outside the library. Every hour, a librarian clears the receiving trolley and processes the returned books. They do this by inspecting the book or item for damage and scanning the item's barcode. This brings up the borrowers record and allows the librarian to complete the loan. Once the books are processed, they are returned to the shelves. If a returned item is damaged, this is recorded during the return process and it is taken to the staff workroom to await repair. If the item is severely damaged, the borrower may be charged for the item. When a damaged item is repaired it is scanned and recorded as available once again. It is then returned to the shelves.

Borrowers can search for books either online at home, or at terminals within the library itself. They can search by author, title, subject, or keyword. Partial names and titles can be entered and all books matching the entered string will be displayed.

When the library buys a new book, the book is processed to add to the collection. First, a librarian must decide what the books call number will be. Then they create a new book record, and enter the books author, title, subject, and any characterizing keywords they deem useful. The system generates a unique id for the book and prints out a sticker for the call number and another for the barcode. The call number goes on the outside spine of the book, and the barcode is affixed to the inside front cover. After the stickers are attached the book is covered with plastic film. New books are placed on special shelves at the front of the library for a period of 3 months or until space on the new book shelves is required. Books are taken of the new books shelves on a 'first on, first off' basis. As the library adds new books, the public shelving fills up. In order to keep things manageable the library removes old, and in particular unpopular, titles from the public shelves. They are moved first to a compactus where they are accessible to a librarian on request . If they remain unborrowed for a period of 5 years after they have been moved to the compactus, they may be disposed. Badly damaged books may also be disposed.

Anyone may join the library. Joining requires a borrower to visit the library and be issued a borrowing card with a magnetic stripe. Before issuing the card, a librarian records the new borrower's name and address, and also their contact phone number and their email address. The card is then initialized wit ha unique identifying n umber and handed over to the new borrower. If a borrower changes their address or contact details, this can be recorded later. Librarians can search the borrower database by name or email address, and examine their borrowing history, what they currently have borrowed, whether they have any overdue loans, and whether they have any outstanding charges.

When a borrower makes a new loan, they must pay any outstanding charges they have accrued over $30. If they pay at the library, the librarian uses an EFTPOS terminal to take the payment and updates the borrower's record to reflect the payment.

The assignment needs to be done in Visual Paradigm and the instructions are as follows:

Given a case study, a couple of full use case descriptions, and a domain model: Produce a state diagram to illustrate the expected behavior of the key domain object.

Perform UCR for the normal flows of both use cases and produce summary analysis class diagrams that encapsulate the requirements for both use cases.


1. A state diagram for the key domain object.
2. CRC cards for required entity objects listing object responsibilities and attributes
3. Sequence diagrams for both use cases showing user interactions and message sequences required to support the use cases.
4. A summary analysis class diagram showing required attributes and methods for boundary, control, and entity analysis classes. I have supplied the domain model, the case study and the two use case descriptions needed for the assignment.

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Software Engineering: Produce a state diagram to illustrate the expected behavior
Reference No:- TGS02238343

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