Assignment: Take any one of these scenarios.
- An Internet of Things Personal Lifeystyle system
- A platform to deliver Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
- An Internet of Things based Warehouse System for an online shopping system
- A Worldwide Indoor mapping system
- A Tourism System for people with disability
- Any other wide area enterprise system of your choice.( Check with me that it is of sufficient complexity)
1: Produce a referenced four page report which describes the possible functionality of the system; similar systems that are out there and different possible approaches to delivering the system.
2: Discuss with references any ethical issues for example around consent, might which might apply to your chosen system.
3: Design two system architectures for the application of your choice.
Describe the role each system component plays and justify its inclusion in your system.
4: In each of your proposed architectures, define a policy for data storage in your system. Discuss the benefits of adhering to your policy. Describe 3 possible challenges your system might face.
5: In each of your proposed architectures, define a policy for process handling in your system, for example where processing will take place. Discuss the benefits of adhering to your policy. Describe 3 possible challenges your system might face.
6: Compare and contrast each of your proposed system architectures, with each other. You will be asked to justify your design choices. John Gilligan