
Produce a recorded presentation about the skills necessary

Assignment: Minute Recorded Presentation

What do I have to do?

Produce a recorded presentation, about the skills necessary for the profession you would like to work in when you finish your degree.

You are required to produce:

1. Visual aids (either a poster, PowerPoint presentation, Prezi)

2. Recorded presentation (3 minutes)

To develop your presentation you will need to follow the following steps.

1. Decide what profession you might like to do when you finish your degree. Some professions you might be considering are:

  • Accountant
  • Business Analyst
  • HR Advisor
  • HR Officer
  • Hospitality Manager
  • Finance advisor
  • Auditor
  • Market research
  • Marketing analyst

Conduct some research using the academic literature available on the Murdoch library to determine the skills required for your chosen profession.

Choose one peer reviewed academic journal article (2006 - 2016) that describes the skills needed for your desired profession. In addition, the article you choose must describe some empirical research. That is the article must discuss what research was conducted, who participated in the research and what the findings/results are of that research. The journal article should not be literature review or a conceptual article.

You will then develop your presentation. Presenting research information for a diverse audience is an important way to communicate knowledge. The aim of this assessment is to communicate the findings about what skills are required for your chosen profession and how they can be developed to broad audience. You must discuss how the researchers (authors) conducted the research.

You have freedom to choose how you present your research, however, it must be a professional presentation suitable for a broad audience and you must have visual and audio. You can use programs such as: PowerPoint (recorded presentation), Prezi, a web page that you talk through, a poster, an animation, or a short a video (YouTube).

How do I get a good mark in this assignment?

You will get a good mark if the presentation:

  • Explains what research was done? (How did the researchers determine what skills are required)
  • Describes how the research was conducted? What. research method/s did they use
  • Details the important findings or the results (that is what skills are required for the profession) of the research?
  • The visual aids (power point, poster, website etc) is logically organised and key ideas are clearly expressed in English Is interesting and engaging
  • Uses language that is appropriate for a broad business audience
  • Includes both visual elements (diagrams, pictures, words) and audio (your voice) is fully referenced.

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Dissertation: Produce a recorded presentation about the skills necessary
Reference No:- TGS02207899

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