
Produce a polished professional persuasive final report you

Self-evaluation exercise

The self-evaluation exercise (SEE) is designed to help you think about ways in which you can improve your report so that you produce a polished, professional, persuasive final report. You will focus mainly on your written communication. However, you will find that by improving how you communicate your ideas, you will also improve, refine and develop the ideas themselves.

Between now and the submission of the final report we expect you to conduct the following four steps of self-evaluation of your draft report.

1. Referencing review

2. Formatting checklist

3. Rhetorical moves (AcaWriter)

4. Peer feedback

At a minimum we would expect you to complete all four steps on your draft that you submitted in Week 4.However, you are welcome (and encouraged) to revise your work between each step. For example you may upload a revised draft to AcaWriter, which you may develop further before getting peer feedback.

In Week 7 you will need to submit a hard copy of the Self-evaluation Exercise (SEE) Report, with the relevant supporting material attached, along with a hard-copy of your final report in-class to your tutor.

Self-EvaluationExercise (SEE) Report
Complete the following report, print and attach the required supporting documentation. You will need to submit this report, your draft report (which you will annotate), your Turnitin Similarity Report (which you will annotate) and the PDF of feedback fromAcaWriter.

STEP 1: Referencing review
1) Print your Turnitin Similarity report
2) What is your overall similarity score (%)? ______
3) Review and annotate your Turnitin report
Review on your Turnitin report write a comment next to each identified match that has been highlighted. Your comments should indicate if:
- the matching text had been correctly referenced
- the text need to be rewritten; or
- the source material needs to be properly referenced

4) Look at your draft report and use the following checklist to review your referencing style and reference list (only check if compliant, leave blank the items you need to improve):
- Do all direct quotes (if used) have page numbers in their in-text reference?
- Are all references in-text listed in the reference list?
- Is your reference list formatted according to the Harvard (UTS) style?
- Is your reference list in alphabetical order by author?

STEP 2: Formatting and structuring
1) Look at your draft report and use the following checklist to review your draft report(only check if compliant, leave blank the items you need to improve):
Basic structure
 Report has short executive summary
 Report has introduction paragraph
 Report uses sections with headings and sub-headings
 Report does not include a conclusion
- Large blocks of text have been broken up into smaller paragraphs
- Current words in report: _______ (limit is 1200)
- Times new roman 12 point font
- Line spacing 1.5
- Margins: at least 2 cm for top, bottom, left and right margins.
STEP 3: Rhetorical moves (AcaWriter)

STEP 3: Rhetorical moves (AcaWriter)
1) Upload your draft report to AcaWriter
(we encourage you to upload a version that you have revised/worked on since Step 2)
2) Download and print the PDF showing the AcaWriter feedback on your report
3) Review the feedback from AcaWriter - do you agree with the feedback given? Why/Why not?
4) On the printed PDF of your report (that shows the AcaWriter Feedback), use highlighters and comments to add to the feedback by showing where your report use the following rhetorical moves.

5) Spend some time working on the soft copy of your report in the AcaWriter tool, adjusting your report and re-run the AcaWriter analysis. What effect did your changes have in on the feedback from AcaWriter?

6) After using AcaWriterwhat changes did you/willyou make to your report?

Attachment:- SEE.rar

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Dissertation: Produce a polished professional persuasive final report you
Reference No:- TGS02880893

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