The Business Process: You can use the business process provided in the following section, but it may be more interesting if you model an actual business process in the company you currently work in. If you choose to model a process in your workplace, you must provide the instructor a narrative of the process you are modeling. The requirements are that your model must be understandable, and have a complete logical flow from start to end.
Assignment Process-Supermarket Sales: The following is the process case study for this exercise:
A customer enters the supermarket. The customer takes either a shopping cart or basket and strolls through the supermarket. The customer selects items from the shelves and puts them in the shopping cart or the basket. When finished, the customer brings the items to the cash register.
The customer deposits groceries on the checkout counter. The cashier scans each item and deposits the item on the bagging counter. When the last item is scanned, the cashier reads the total amount from the system and announces it to the customer.
If the customer pays by credit card, the cashier swipes the card through the cash register to charge the amount. The customer then signs the printout. If the customer pays by cash, the cashier returns the change, if any. The cashier then gives a receipt to the customer.
The bagger asks the customer if they want paper or plastic bags. The bagger then bags the items. If the customer is pleased with the bagger services, he/she will tip the bagger. The customer picks up the bags and leaves the supermarket.