
Process parameters of the bayer and hall-heroult

Primary Material Processes, Energy and Markets.

Project description:

Manufacturing Systems:

Title/ Primary Material Processes, Energy and Markets.

(a) With reference to course texts and web-based materials, produce an A4 size, original, annotated, flow process diagram to explain the relationship and key functions and process parameters of the Bayer and Hall-Heroult processes in the manufacture of new aluminium.

(b) Investigate the websites of the two aluminium smelters shown below and consider the key performance indicators for their manufacturing operations. Using the power consumption and production data for each smelter (summarised below but should be checked with current data), calculate the average specific power requirement for producing new aluminium at the sites in kWh/kg, assuming 360 day/annum and 24h/day utilisation. Tabulate and show all working.

(Note: ktpa = kilotonne per annum, Mtpa = megatonne per annum)
Smelter Power Demand Production
Point Henry Australia 360 MW 185 ktpa
Dubal UAE 2.3 GW 1.2Mtpa

(c) Annual sales and recycling performance for aluminium in USA market sectors are shown below. Using the average specific power requirement for new aluminium production calculated in (b) above, calculate the power required to supply the total USA demand with new aluminium and the power saving that could be made by achieving the recycling factors shown if recycled aluminium production needs only 5% of the power requirement for new production. Tabulate and show all working.

Market Sector Demand, billion pound Recycling factor %
Transport    4.22 80
Packaging 4.73 60
Building 2.13 25
Electrical 1.47 40
(Note: 1 kg = 2.204 pound)

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Reference No:- TGS01432103

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