
Process of resolving an ethical dilemma

Ethical Dilemmas Response Paper:


Choose one item from group 1 and one item from group 2 that you wish to explore further. Write the number for the group 1 item in the space below and for the group 2 items on the next page. Use the NAEYC Code for guidance in figuring out what you might do if faced with each situation. (Note: Group 1 items are based on ideals and principles added to the Code during development of the 2005 Version. Group 2 items are based on ideals and principles that are in both the 2005 version of the Code as well as the previous version.)

Group 1 situation _Your program uses a standardized test for assessing children’s progress. You’ve been given a copy of the test and told that you must drill children on these items throughout the year so that they all will do well on the test.

What core values apply in this situation?

To whom do you have responsibilities?

What guidance can you find in the code? (List the relevant items from the Code and their letter – be sure to look in all 4 parts and at Ideals and Principles)

Based on your analysis of the guidance from the Code what do you think ” the good early childhood educator” should do in this situation?

Group 2 situation: A parent asks if he can bring a young sibling to a parent workshop even though there is a policy that younger siblings should not be brought to school. You have had problems with parents violating the no sibling rule but you also think this parent could benefit greatly from the content of the workshop.

What core values apply in this situation?

To whom do you have responsibilities?

What guidance can you find in the code? (List the relevant items from the Code and their letter – be sure to look in all 4 parts and at Ideals and Principles)

Based on your analysis of the guidance from the Code what do you think ” the good early childhood educator” should do in this situation?

The Process of Resolving an Ethical Dilemma

* Identify the problem
* Decide if it involves ethics

- Is it a dilemma or responsibility?
- Can it be finessed?

Look for guidance in the NAEYC Code

- What are the conflicting values?
- How should they be prioritized?

* What is the most ethically defensible course of action?

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Other Subject: Process of resolving an ethical dilemma
Reference No:- TGS01438341

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