
Process of collaboration in the public school setting

Assignment: Collaborative Communication

Your written response to this assignment assesses your ability to

(a) Explain the skills and strategies needed to develop and maintain effective professional partnerships,

(b) Summarize effective methods to communicate with all stakeholders considering their individual interests, priorities, and cultural differences for programming of students with disabilities,

(c) Clarify the potential challenges in the process of collaboration in the public school setting, and

(d) Critique proactive methods for interactive and effective communication with those of differing perspectives.

Using support from your assigned readings, the Instructor Guidance, and the discussions, submit the following for evaluation. When creating your written assignment, use the guidelines found below.

Content Expectations:

There are two parts to this assignment:

Part 1: Draft a one to two page email expressing your concerns about the lack of sufficient time and collaborative efforts. Include the following elements:

Conflict : "I Statements" that let Mr. Franklin know how you feel about your partnership (see the Resolving Conflict Section, under the Gaining Knowledge and Skills section).

Questions : Direct or indirect questions (see Chapter-Questioning Techniques) about his view of collaborative relationships so that you can play a more integral part in future lesson planning.

Collaboration : Your definition of collaboration, with at least two specific examples of what you would like your relationship to look like moving forward.

Time Frame :Suggestions for appropriate correspondence (time and format).

Closure : Close your email with a suggested time and place to meet to discuss your future collaboration.

Part 2: Create a one page outline that you will use to guide your discussion about your collaboration and communication. Include the following elements:

Relationships : At least three specific strategies to develop effective, professional relationships.

Communication : At least three specific methods to communicate with each other.

Trust : At least three ideas for ways that the two of you can work together to gain trust with Manual and his family, which, according to Manual's records, is something that Manual's previous teachers have struggled with in the past.

Written Communication Expectations:

Length Requirement : 2 to 3 pages, not including the title and references pages.

Syntax and Mechanics : Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.

Source Requirement : One scholarly source, in addition to the textbook. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

APA Formatting : Use APA 6th edition formatting consistently throughout the assignment.

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Reference No:- TGS02059528

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