
Process control and instrumentation engineering - m3h321563

Aim - The aim of the module is to make student understand the different types of process control loops, its functions, operational modes and serves to gain knowledge on measurement and instrumentation sensors. It also aims at making the students gain knowledge about the various techniques of communicating the measured results throughout a process plant.

Objective - To enable the student to understand control of various Processes in industries. The student will apply his/her knowledge to find applications of different types of controllers in process industries.

A. Knowledge and understanding of the topic

Demonstrate knowledge of acquisition of information

Demonstrate appropriate application of module knowledge Demonstrate wider reading and comprehension of topic

B. Application and analysis of the topic (Module specific Skill)

Demonstrate the concept of open loop and closed loop control systems.

To gain knowledge on identification of different types of controllers.

To gain knowledge and understand principles of various control configurations applied in process plants.

C. The structure in terms of logic and coherence

Submissions should have a clear start and a clear end. Information within submissions should also be logical and well grouped.

Report structure should include abstract, introduction & referencing, result Analysis, and conclusion & future work.

- Presentation should indicate clear perception and understanding.

- Ability to select appropriate analytical tools.

- Ability to produce solutions to problems through engineering knowledge.

- Knowledge of data management.

- Use of creativity and innovation in problem solving.

- Effective communication.

D. The use of relevant work examples and/or examples gained from further reading

Suggestions for further reading are contained within the course work and indicated at the end of the course work. These reading lists are not exhaustive and candidates are encouraged to read further and reference at the end of the course work using Harvard style of referencing. The task is individual and each student is required to submit report. For report writing the student should follow the below mentioned guidelines

A front cover should contain name and student number

All information should be documented following a structure

Answers to the coursework questions should be computer typed

Submit your coursework answers along with question paper


1. Norman A. Anderson., 1998. Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control. 3rd Edition. Florida 33431: CRC Press LLC.

2. Curtis D. Johnson., 2003. Process Control Instrumentation Technology.7 th Edition: Prentice Hall.

3. WayneBequette B., 2003. Process Control Modeling, Design & Simulation. Original US Edition: Prentice Hall Inc.

4. Sawhney A.K.&PuneetSawhney.,2000.A course in Mechanical Measurements &

Instrumentation.9 th Edition: GaganKapur for DhanpatRai& Co(P) Ltd.


Process  Instrumentation Diagrams and control principles are significant part in

Process Industries. There are various process industries in and around Oman. Visit any one industry and perform a case study on the process control and instrumentation principles and submit a report in the structure mentioned below.

Structure of Report:

a) Details of the industry visited.

b) Process &Instrumentation Diagram of the process chosen for study

c) Identify and explain the main feed and product streams, pumps, valves, equipments and signals in Process Instrumentation Diagram

d) Select a control loop and describe the principle behind the manipulated and controlled variable

e) Explain the control system configuration.

f) Identify any one type of sensor used in the process and explain the instrumentation principle of the sensor

g) Conclusion

h) References (Harvard referencing CCE style)

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Dissertation: Process control and instrumentation engineering - m3h321563
Reference No:- TGS01671947

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