Process Analytics Caselet 1 Overview respond to this caselet, which is based in a health care setting. Preparation Read through the following caselet. You are an operations manager of an outpatient clinic. You set up the table below. Table cells that have a letter (A, B, C, etc) indicate missing information that you must provide. Step Cycle Time Daily Capacity Staff Demand CapacityUtilization Registration A 200 patients F 150 K Measurements 10 minutes D G 75 L Treatment B 30 patients H 150 M Instructions 5 minutes E i 100 N Check-out C 200 patients J 150 O You also have this additional information: •The clinic hours are from 8am to 6pm, five days per week. •The clinic revenue is $45 per patient. •The cost of a nurse is $40 per hour. •The cost of a receptionist is $20 per hour. •The cost of a physician is $100 per hour. •Only nurses can do measurement and provide instructions. Procedure •Calculate the answers for the missing cells in the table