Process ampinstrumentation diagram of the process chosen


Process & Instrumentation Diagrams and control principles are significant part in Process Industries. There are various process industries in and around Oman. Visit any one industry and perform a case study on the process control and instrumentation principles and submit a report in the structure mentioned below.

Structure of Report:

a) Details of the industry visited

b) Process &Instrumentation Diagram of the process chosen for study

c) Identify and explain the main feed and product streams, pumps, valves equipments and signals in Process & Instrumentation Diagram

d) Select a control loop and describe the principle behind the manipulated and controlled variable

e) Explain the control system configuration

f) Identify any one type of sensor used in the process and explain the instrumentation principle of the sensor

g) Conclusion

h) References (Harvard referencing CCE style)

Report Specification:

Font Arial

Font size 10

Line Spacing 1.5

Report shall have a maximum of 2000 words.

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Other Engineering: Process ampinstrumentation diagram of the process chosen
Reference No:- TGS01679303

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