
procedure1 soak the emptied glassware in


1. Soak the emptied glassware in disinfectant or liquid soap solution overnight. If you use disinfectant, dip the glassware in soap solution before washing, Rub clean the glassware with a brush and thoroughly clean with water.

2. Air dry the washed glassware by keeping them open in the tray. Cover the petriplates with the lids. Wrap the glassware with aluminium foil and then keep in the oven for 16 to 18 hours at 1 60°C for dry sterilization. You have already read in Unit 3 of LT-1 course about the functioning of a hot air oven. After sterilization you can reuse the glassware for further work.

3. Do not leave the sterilized glassware in the open. Pack them in& the packets/boxes until you use them next. You should sterilize the newly purchased glassware before using them by the method describe above.


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Science: procedure1 soak the emptied glassware in
Reference No:- TGS0415305

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