Procedure of Production Planning
1. Production Material: The information is derived from an analysis for the production into its separate components and units to determine the kind grade or quality and quantity of each required.
2. Availability of Materials: The balance on hand of stock items are determined from the stores keeping records, and the time required for delivery where not stocked is determined from the purchasing records.
3. Standard of Quality for Each Unit: The information is derived from engineering drawings and specifications, or from practical experience in the class of work, and is expressed as limits and tolerances in machine work.
4. Machine Output or Equipment Capacity: This information is derived from an analysis of machine capacity and consists of the units of work per hour capable of being handled by each machines or process.
5. Operations Methods: This information is derived from technical experience, but is based on the analysis of machine capacity. The product units are grouped into subassemblies and the most economically sound procedure for performing each operations on each unit is determined. In machine shops this includes the determination of the amount and kind of auxiliary equipment, tools jigs and fixtures necessary for efficient production .
6. Sequence of Operations: The information is derived from technical experience aided by an accurate knowledge of machine layout and form records of previous work. It consist of a detonation of the order in which operations shall be performed on each production item.
7. Operations Time Allowance for Each Operations on Each units: This information is derived of machine analysis, and from technical experience. In scheduling this time is increased by an allowance factor that takes care of normal machine down time and temporary storage between operations.
8. Assignment of Due Dates: A data is assigned for commencement and completion of each operation on each unit of product, and for finial assembly or completion of the order. When assigned these dates from the time basis of the outer sheets and the production schedule.