Answer the following questions.
Question 1) What is particulate matter and its chemical composition?
Question 2) List at least two devices for the control of particulate air pollution and describe how they work.
Question 3) What are the various sources and sinks for Nitrogen oxides?
Question 4) Write technologies for minimizing Nitrogen Oxide pollution?
Question 5) Classify the Natural water sources?
Question 6) Given the account on ‘Hydrological Cycle’.
Question 7) What is sea water composition?
Question 8) Explain different steps involved in the preparation of sea water model.
Question 9) Explain sample collection procedures for the analysis of different parameters in water samples? What must be nature of containers for sample collection
Question 10) Given the account on the preservation of samples for the analysis of different parameters in water samples.
Question 11) Describe the Tertiary treatment process for polluted water.
Question 12) How the Electro dialysis process is used for the purification of water samples?