
Problems with expatriate attrition and performance


Thinking as an HR consultant, read the case study illustrated below and answer (in 300 words or more) the following questions:

Question 1. Generate a list of four actions that the organization can take that will directly contribute to thier goals regarding making Marriott the international employer of choice in the most efficient manner. Rank order the four actions

Question 2. Try to think of international opportunities that would be attractive to recent college graduates. What would they be? What does the research suggest about the problems with expatriate attrition, performance and difficulties in repatriation and how you would recommend Marriott approach these challenges?


In 2005, Marriott Corporation employed approximately 235,000 employees. From 1987 through 2005, Marriott had been one of the most successful firms in the United States, with 10 percent compounded growth in both sales and return on equity. They had established a strong presence in a variety of service-related industries: hotels, airline food service, business food service, family dining, and contract services. A key to Marriott's success in each of their lines of business came from Marriott's deserved reputation of providing outstanding service to guests and customers. As a result of their excellent service, the Marriott Corporation was considered by customers around the world as the "preferred provider" or the provider customers thought of first when making lodging or food choices.

Marriott's goal for the first decade of the 21st century was a major emphasis on global expansion. Along with being the "provider of choice," Marriott needed to become the "employer of choice" for international assignments. It was felt that if Marriott could not continue to attract, retain, and manage their employees in their overseas operations, then their rapid growth would slow down. Managing employees and becoming the international employer of choice was not an option; it was seen as central to business success and should be directly linked to the "provider of choice" emphasis. For example, one of Marriott Corporation's central challenges has been to ensure that all overseas operations are staffed with the most qualified and cost-effective employees who will join and stay in the business. In the past, Marriott had some problems with expatriate attrition and performance and difficulties in repatriation as well.

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Other Management: Problems with expatriate attrition and performance
Reference No:- TGS01994632

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