
Problems with ecological modernisation

Topic: ‘The problems with ecological modernisation demonstrate that capitalism cannot be greened.’ Critically evaluate this statement.



Assessment: Research Essay

2,500 words

This assessment task is designed to develop your capabilities in reading, interpretation and critical analysis. It will allow you to gain a developed understanding of one area of the course and will test your ability to construct a clear and coherent argument in response to the essay question.

You are required to submit one research essay on ONE of the following topics:

1.  ‘Anthropocentric environmentalism is an inadequate response to global ecological degradation.’ Critically evaluate this statement.

2.  To what extent is the ‘limits to growth’ discourse relevant for understanding contemporary environmental challenges? Illustrate your response with relevant examples.

3.  ‘Sustainable development is a fine idea but has failed to produce significant practical measures to reduce ecological degradation.’ Critically evaluate this statement.

4.  ‘The problems with ecological modernisation demonstrate that capitalism cannot be greened.’ Critically evaluate this statement.

5.  To what extent have the goals developed at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development been realised today? Illustrate your response with relevant examples.

6.  What explains the slow progress in the UNFCCC negotiations for a post-Kyoto treaty on emissions targets? Illustrate your response with relevant examples.

7.  ‘It is a mistake for Australia to lead the world on tackling climate change without meaningful international action.’ Critically evaluate this statement.

8.  To what extent does environmental protection pursued by the North conflict with economic justice in the South? Illustrate your response with relevant examples.

9.  In what ways do practices of consumption drive ecological degradation? Illustrate your response with relevant examples.

10. ‘Scientific risk management rather than the precautionary principle must guide the implementation of biotechnology’. Critically evaluate this statement.

11. In what ways do the global trade and environmental regimes conflict? Illustrate your response with relevant examples.

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Microeconomics: Problems with ecological modernisation
Reference No:- TGS01437528

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