
Problems related to group homomorphism with kernel


• Let ƒ:G→ H  be a group homomorphism with kernel K = Ker(ƒ) , show that f is one to one if and only if K = {eG}.

• Let K be a fixed integer and let be a function from a group G to itself with Ø(x) = xk for all x∈G, show that Ø is a group homomorphism when G is abelian. Show by example that need not be a homomorphism when G is not commutative.

• Let Ø: G→ H and φ:H →K be two group homomorphism. Prove that φ0Ø :G->K is also a group homomorphism.

• Let G be the subgroup of the permutation group generated A6 by the permutation

Prove that G has order 6. Let be a group homomorphism from G to the permutation group which is also of order 6. By considering the image of , prove that cannot be an n isomorphism.


Prove that G has order 6. Let Ø be a group homomorphism from G to the permutation group which is also of order 6. By considering the image of σ , prove that Ø cannot be an n isomorphism.

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Mathematics: Problems related to group homomorphism with kernel
Reference No:- TGS01921716

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