
Problems regarding the company policies at phoenix

I. Problems regarding the company policies at Phoenix Advertising at the Charlotte, NC, branch.

II. Compare Company's policies applications with other branches.

A. Compare corporate policy requirements versus branch policy applications.

1. Compare branch policies with respect to work hours requirements against corporate policies.

2. Compare branch policies with respect to overtime policies and compensation for extra hours for salaried employees against corporate policies.

3. Meeting and review results with branch managers regarding applied policies.

4. Questioned branch managers and employees regarding their knowledge and compliance of corporate policies. The staff does no recall ever being required to review the employer handbooks with their supervisors or Human Resources.

B. Complete employees survey regarding the branch daily operations and policies.

1. Surveyed HR employees from different branches regarding company personnel policies.

2. Surveyed Managers from different offices regarding branch policies.

3. All branch employees were presented with the survey questions regarding the branch working protocols and the current situation.

C. Clients Feedback

1. Contacted clients that presented recent complaints to determine the causes their complaint.

2. Surveyed regular customers to request their feedback on the quality of the customer service received from the branch.

3. Requested also anonymous information from employees regarding the quality of service being rendered by the company.

4. There are no proper lines of communication with current customers.

III. Determine problems, causes and effects regarding company's policies and offer solutions.

A. After comparing the branch protocols against company's policies determine there is a lack of understanding on company's policies on the Roanoke branch.

1. Management does not follow the proper procedures when it comes to HR policies causing stress, frustrations to overworked employees, and lowering the morale of the staff.

2. HR Manager at the Roanoke branch is not enforcing corporate policies.

3. There is no updated information on the Roanoke branch regarding corporate policies.

4. Employees do not understand the current policies as they are not even familiar

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Operation Management: Problems regarding the company policies at phoenix
Reference No:- TGS0977131

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