Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
Questions on a Sequence of Polynomials.
Let Tk be the sequence of polynomials defined by
T0(x) = 1, T1(x) = x, Tk+1(x) = 2xTk(x) - Tk-1(x) k>1
1) Show that Tk is a polynomial of degree k. Calculate the coefficient of xk of Tk .
2) Show by induction that Tk(cosθ) = cos(kθ)for all real θ.
3) Deduce that if x∈[-1,1], |Tk(x)|< 1.
4) Show that for all whole natural numbers n, we have
(x-x0)(x-x1)...(x-xn) = 2-nTn+1(x)
where xi = cos[(1+2i)∏/2(n+1)], i = 0,1,....n.Give a numerical approximation of these numbers for n = 4, to the precision of your calculator.
5) Let us consider the function f defined as ƒ(x) = ex.Evaluate the Lagrange interpolation polynomial P of f at the points that we calculated in the previous question.
6) Estimate the error for ƒ(x) - P(x) for x∈[-1,1].