
Problems in enforcement and management of ipr

Question 1) Define the following terms:

a) Exclusive privileges.

b) Patent expiry.

c) WTO.

d) Trade secrets.

e) Trademark dilution.

f) Sui Generis.

g) Geographical indicators.

Question 2) Write a brief note on working provisions

Question 3) Write a brief note on internet treaties.

a) Benefits of IPR

b) Importance of trademarks

Question 4) Are all titles registerable — Explain in detail.

Question 5) What do you understand by industrial design and describe its importance.

Question 6)a) Describe in detail the problems in enforcement and management of IPR.

b) Explain the different patent laws in India and other countries.

Question 7)a)  Narrate the significant case studies that favoured Indian Agriculture products in Global scenario and correlate it with the seriousness of the patent infringement.

b) Describe the environmental implications of Intellectual Property Rights.

Question 8)a)  Explain the important features of AoA

b)  Enumerate all important steps in design registration.

Question 9)a)  Describe a few common copyright infringements. What are the civil remedies for such infringements?

b)  Narrate the requirement for copyright filing and write a detailed note on the copyright filing in India.

Question 10)a)  What is the mandate of World Intellectual Property Organization? Explain its functions.

b) Describe the role of Indian Universities in patenting process and what are the options for Universities for better involvement in patenting process.

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Other Subject: Problems in enforcement and management of ipr
Reference No:- TGS07618

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