
Problem-symplectic matrix and eigenvalues and multiplicity


Symplectic Matrix, Eigenvalues and Multiplicity

A 2n x 2n M is symplectic if MTJM = J where J is the (also 2n x 2n) matrix ( 0   -I ).
                                                                                                                  ( I    0 )

Prove that if λ is an eigenvalue of M , then so is λ-1 , and that these have the same multiplicity.

Show furthermore that if λ and µ are eigenvalues of M, and λ ≠ µ ,then the corresponding eigenvectors gλ, gµ have the property that

gT µJ gλ = 0

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Algebra: Problem-symplectic matrix and eigenvalues and multiplicity
Reference No:- TGS01933377

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