Problem related to weight loss

Problem: As a human service professional, please review this case and answer the required questions. Bonnie is a 16-year-old sophomore in high school who lives with her parents and 12-year-old brother. Bonnie's mother is concerned about her daughter's recent 25-pound weight loss. Bonnie is proud of this weight loss and has bragged about it. Bonnie counts calories and exercises every morning before school and at night before she goes to bed. She has also started running after she gets home from school. Even though she has lost the weight and is of average size, Bonnie describes herself as "fat and big-boned". When she was in second and third grade her father called her his "little Miss Piggy". Bonnie becomes very animated when describing this time in her life. Her brother also teased her about her weight and referred to her as his "fat sister" in front of his friends. Her mother intervened after Bonnie told her how much this bothered her and the name calling stopped. Bonnie states that she and her mother are very close, but that her father favors her brother. Bonnie gets defensive when her mother calls her too thin and she states, "I still need to lose

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Other Subject: Problem related to weight loss
Reference No:- TGS03393446

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