
Problem related to transportation operations

Assignment task:

Common Learning Blocks One through Eight/Review

In week one you will work through the SCPro Transportation Operations Common Learning Blocks. These can be found on the SCPro Transportation Fundamentals online program.  There are eight common Learning Blocks and a review.  These are short learning blocks that give you an overview of transportation and supply chain management.  At the end of each Common Learning Block 1-8, you will complete a five-question quiz.  The overall possible points for this assignment is five points total for each quiz times eight common learning blocks to earn 40 total points. You will complete all eight learning blocks and the review in Module 1/Week 1.  The Common Learning Blocks are short and you can re-take the quizzes as many times as needed. Retaking the quizzes will help you learn the material and be successful. Students are not required to submit any items for this work. The instructor can view your completed work and scores through the Transportation Operations Online Learning Site. 

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommon Learning BlocksAll Common Learning Blocks completed with 70% or higher quiz scores for all eight CLBs.

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Other Management: Problem related to transportation operations
Reference No:- TGS03387287

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