
Problem related to social model of disability

Assignment task: Role play between social worker and client of 20-25 minutes where you explore:

- the individual's background, including a brief psychosocial assessment.

- key issues impacting upon their health and wellbeing (think about the social determinants of health)

- the social impacts of their situation, including their own perceptions, and the impacts this has on their micro, meso, exo and macrosystems, and their inner and outer worlds.

Social Model of Disability:

Qi was in year 8, playing football during a lunch break with her friends at school. She was running towards a mark near the goal post, when she slipped and accidentally slammed into one the posts. She was knocked out and sustained a serious spinal injury. Three years later, Qi still experiences mild cognitive difficulties and behavioural problems as a result of the brain injury, but her spinal injury means that she will never walk again. She still goes to the same school, with an integration aide. While all her friends surrounded her at the start of her rehabilitation, as time has gone on, they're finding the friendship hard to sustain. They feel their lives have moved in different directions. Qi is frustrated and lonely, and often expresses this through being physically and verbally aggressive. She wishes she had died in the accident. She is in year 11 now, and feels a lot of pressure to do well in her Higher School Certificate next year, and feels utterly alone.

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Other Subject: Problem related to social model of disability
Reference No:- TGS03377115

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